Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas- New Year . What a great excuse for the ones who don't enjoy life as the way it is. For the ones who spend 364 days in the dungeon. The only day to celebrate.  A gift from the disordered system.  Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say ' let's not celebrate, let's not party'.What I'm saying is : Why don't we celebrate every day? Why do we delimit ourselves?


rita said...

inanılmaaaaaz iyi yazmışsın desem. ağzım açık kaldı burda

Petek Kuscu said...

cok tesekkurler :) turkceside tohuma gidicek kasabilirsem.

Anonymous said...

çok salakça bence

Petek Kuscu said...

sen burayı formsprınglemı karıstırdın ?? neyse o senın gorusun genede